Read Online Born Too Soon Elizabeth Mehren 9781575663159 Books

By Tanya Richards on Thursday, May 2, 2019

Read Online Born Too Soon Elizabeth Mehren 9781575663159 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 325 pages
  • Publisher Kensington (August 1, 1998)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1575663155

Born Too Soon Elizabeth Mehren 9781575663159 Books Reviews

  • This book hits home. My daughter was also born very premature and reading the events in this book brought back so many
    momories. Needless to say it was a tear jerker for me. My heart goes out to the family I know how hard this can be.
    Ms. Mehren is a very good writer and I hope to read more books by her.
  • This is really a good book. It tell of the struggles with a premie and also the hardships on a marriage. It really was heartbreaking. Great read.
  • It takes a rare writer to slide you right into her shoes, and a rare person to do so without flinching in the face of a hard situation. Elizabeth Mehren is both. Through her, you begin to comprehend the lingo and routines of the neonatal intensive care unit. And with her, you struggle to rebalance a swirl of emotions centered on a tiny girl nicknamed the fighter. Mehren is a superb teacher whose lessons will stick with you.
  • I thought this book was very well written and very descriptive. I reviewed this story after my own experience with my slightly premature baby. Lucky for us, his NICU stay was only for one day, and for us, we had a happy outcome. When Elizabeth conveyed her thoughts and feelings on leaving her baby in NICU and not being able to hold her, I could very much relate to her feelings. I remember well how I cried when I had to leave my own baby. Elizabeth, if you read this, I applause you for getting your story out there, to share with others. It really gives other people a perspective on having a baby that was "born too soon". Of note, I am a HELLP syndrome survivor and wish I could have done like Elizabeth and used the type of media she did.
  • This book is one of my favorites! I first heard of this book when it was published in the Reader's Digest book section (Feb 1992). After I found the full book, I devoured it. It is one of the most beautiful books I have ever read about premature babies. It has since inspired me to learn more about these precious miracles and and I am now the head of research for a non-profit preemie foundation! I would reccomend this book to anyone who loves babies! (I would give it 5 stars, but I have to reserve that for Susan Hill's book "Family", another simply beautiful book about preemies.)
  • I am amazed at accurately it captures the thoughts and experiences of a generation of NICU parents. While the ending is sad, the reader is left with the feeling that little Emily's life was truly valued by those who knew her and by everyone touched by this book.
  • great book
  • I was introduced to this book many years ago when it was featured in the book section of Reader's Digest. I've since read the complete book and found it to be one of the best books that I've read regarding premature birth. I am now reading Elizabeth Mehren's follow-up book to "Born Too Soon" titled "After the Darkest Hour, the Sun Will Shine Again A Parents Guide to Coping With the Loss of a Child".
    Katie Udell
    Executive Director of Research
    The Alexis Foundation for Premature Infants and Children