Read The 33 Strategies of War Joost Elffers Books Robert Greene 9780143112785 Books

By Tanya Richards on Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Read The 33 Strategies of War Joost Elffers Books Robert Greene 9780143112785 Books

Product details

  • Series Joost Elffers Books
  • Paperback 512 pages
  • Publisher Penguin Books; Reprint edition (December 14, 2007)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0143112783

The 33 Strategies of War Joost Elffers Books Robert Greene 9780143112785 Books Reviews

  • To date I've read everything Robert Greene has in print and, much to my surprise, this turned out to be the most useful volume of all. Greene's other books were immensely helpful for clearing my head of cobwebs since, along with everyone else, I'm forced to negotiate our brave new world of cutthroat tactics and social Darwinists, while trying to keep a roof over my head. Without going into detail, let me simply say The 33 Strategies of War taught me exactly what I needed to know in order to adequately discourage the bullying I have had to endure at work for the past three years. Until I can find another job -- not all wars are winnable -- I can now keep this workplace vampire's demeaning behaviors in check. I recommend all of Greene's books, but this one may well be the best investment of the lot.
  • Great examples and stories, but as always Greene has a rather Machiavellian view of life which becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy--if we view life as war it more often will be. But on the other side, we need to realize that some people will screw us over, and a dose of that truth is needed for survival as well. My biggest revelation of the book was that war is less about war than the psychology and drama going on behind the scenes, whether it be tides literally affecting the course of a war or personal affairs changing the course of history.
  • There are no wars in most parts of the world. Condemning war as barbaric deeds is politically correct and very HYPOCRITICAL. The non-physical war in peaceful places is even more aggressive and nasty in fact. This book is truly enlightening in explaining the truth of it. But most importantly. This book is amazingly PRACTICAL and ACTIONABLE. I can't praise more about this book. 48 laws of power open your eyes for truth of human dynamics, this book comes far from understanding the humanity into the manual of getting what you want by humanity. Thank you, Robert Greene. I still think not only Robert Greene but this book are underestimated in the world. Although Greene is famous in the States, but it's truly not enough.
  • This is probably the best book I've read - the writing is very engaging and they are explained in such an interesting and insightful way. Clearly a lot of research has gone into this, particularly the historic stories about war/combat and politics. The examples from history are an excellent way to illustrate specific points. I regularly keep this book for reference, and I'm sure I'll continue referring to it in the future. It uses the topic of war to explain and describe different strategic tools and methods. I've read 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene, so this is my 2nd book I've read by him - and it exceeded expectations.
  • I enjoyed this book. Its not without faults, and the author gets a little whimsy/meta when describing some of the concepts it entails. However this book gave me an interest in history i never knew i had. Overall i am exceedingly happy i read this.
  • Robert Greene continues to blow me away! After reading “The 48 Laws of Power” I was hooked. The writing style and format (for me) is my favorite “extra bonus” in his books. Great content, examples, and a knack for explaining fairly complicated ideas in a way that “clicks.”

    Read it!
  • This is the best of his books. I have given over 20 copies of this book to young officers, enlisted men, young business people...even both of my children. Well written and the most impressive thing is how he uses the same things we have always read from these scions of leadership but he translates this into understandable...and better yet...actionable ideas. If you want to be a leader...of any any this book.
  • Great social strategy book to dealing with difficult people.