Download PDF Black Sun Uki Ogasawara 9781934129272 Books

By Tanya Richards on Monday, May 6, 2019

Download PDF Black Sun Uki Ogasawara 9781934129272 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 184 pages
  • Publisher 801 Media, Inc. (November 25, 2008)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1934129275

Black Sun Uki Ogasawara 9781934129272 Books Reviews

  • Good night I loved this title! The artwork was divine (the mangaka drew the men with these long lovely eyelashes and it made their eyes smolder *insert squee*) and the plot was actually rather solid. If you took out all the explict scenes it would have still read as an impressive story, which is a good thing. However, the explict scenes are there and goodness aren't they detailed. No glowing or invisible man parts in this book!

    The interaction between the two main characters is romantic in it's own way. Leonard, though the uke (submissive/bottom/receiver) isn't by any means the weak, virginal type. He holds his own and is only the uke because he sacrafices himself for the sake of his troops. Though humiliated he understands that he chose the position that he is in, so there isn't any outward dislike toward Jamal, the man that he is now enslaved to. Jamal, though technically the enemy is a noble man and very likeable, he isn't mean to Leonard and actually admires the knight for his scarafice. Leonard finds himself drawn to Jamal though he know he shouldn't and early on he admits that Jamal can make his body quite needy. You find yourself rooting for the odd couple to find their footing and figure things out, even while others are getting in their way (Isaac, Jamal's hansome adjutant and de la Tour, Leonard's former commander).

    It's a well paced, sexy, interresting read and well worth the money. I am looking forward to the next volume and hope it comes out soon!
  • The story is interesting and exhilarating. A pure knight (Leonard) is taken hostage in exchange for his soldier's lives. He had thought he was going to be killed, but his captor, Jamal, quickly shows him exactly what type of hostage he will be.

    In the beginning Jamal treats him simply as his most favorite toy, but as the story progresses deeper motivations come into play. For his part, Leonard is clearly angry and bewildered by the situation, but comes to have a pull toward Jamal that begins to go beyond the physical.

    The last scene in the main story highlights this, and really made me want to read the next book. I am in agreement with the other reviewer, and hope that this Yaoi continues here in the U.S.

    To finish, the artwork is superb, with wonderful character detail, and the sex scenes are explicit and numerous.
  • Nothing special. Not thrilling or deep. But the clothing was very good. Why does the innocent or younger partner always drawn so dang girlish lookin? Leonard spends most of the story dressed like a victorian era lady, only with pants. (-sigh-) Lots of shock value here, with the rapes and the whippings etc. No symbolism of Islam, of course. no mentions of Christ, though the lead character is a "monastic knight". All in all, very light entertainment. No courage or depth or freshness. But there's plenty of sex scenes. And the "manly" partner is good to look at. What a pity that there are so few instances of facial expression for Jamal. The only ones with animated or changeable faces are the villains, who are utterly one-dimensional. Oh well. The choice is yours. If you like yaoi with one male who looks male but lacks personality, and the other male is woman without breasts and who is overly emotional and vacant. you might love this work. And, as I said earlier, the clothes are fine.
  • Black Sun has quickly turned into one of my new favorites and every time I read it, I like it more and more. The story is one of military conflict between the Monastic Knights and Middle Eastern soldiers. Prince Leonard de Limbourg has temporarily been placed in charge of the Gerun Fortress during which time he and his 200 Monastic Knights are attacked by General Jamal Jan and his 20,000 soldiers. Not exactly a fair fight and one that spells disaster for our poor Prince. Prince Leonard can see defeat on the horizon and decides to surrender himself and the fortress to General Jamal in return for his soldiers' safe escape. The remainder of the story tells of Prince Leonard's imprisonment by General Jamal, his life as his sex toy and the budding relationship that causes Leonard to face some difficult choices.

    If you are looking for a steamy sexually explicit yaoi manga, you've found it. The sex scenes are hot, plentiful, varied and the men themselves are gorgeous. It is definitely an explicitly drawn manga and if there is any censorship to the sexual scenes, it will be hard to find (no complaints here!). Uki Ogasawara is quickly turning into one of my favorite boys' love authors. Her men are gorgeous and the sexual positions are varied and believable. If she has any faults it is that some of her characters tend to look very similar to one another and from title to title, a common problem among many mangaka. However, the two main characters of this title are beautifully contrasted with Jamal having dark skin, hair and eyes and an amazingly drawn body and Leonard with blond hair and blue/gray eyes and although slightly smaller, no less manly (except for maybe some of the rather feminine outfits Jamal likes to put him in). Her illustrations are nicely done and the clothing of the various characters is absolutely gorgeous. You'll be hard pressed to find a single unattractive character in this one.

    It appears that this is to be a continuing series as the book ends on a bit of a cliff hanger so I do hope that 801 Media plans on publishing the follow up. The translation is nicely done and I had no difficulty following the speech bubbles. As far as the over all plot, it's better than most but I felt Leonard fell a little too quickly for the man who sexually humiliated him so early on. Plus Leonard is a Monastic Knight, which makes him a knight of God so to speak, so would his feelings for another man come so quickly or at all for that matter? Well, it is a boys' love title so one can't really delve too much into trying to make the plot make sense or you'll just drive yourself crazy. Either way, this is a title I highly recommend to those who like explicit sex. If you want a fluffy yaoi title, steer clear of this one.

    Characters = A-
    Plot = B+
    Sexual Content = A+
    Translation = A
    Illustrations/Book Design = A

    Overall Grade = A
  • This book is one of my most favorite licensed hard yaoi story of all time. The story is so engaging & the beautiful, detailed as well as "hot" art work is not censored at all from the original Japanese work. I have reread the book many times. It is too bad that the book is now OOP but you can still purchase the digital version from many different sources. I would encourage any hard core yaoi fan girl to read this story now that its conclusion (volume 2) has been licensed as well.