Read Dwelling Simple Ways to Nourish Your Home Body and Soul edition by Melissa Michaels Religion Spirituality eBooks

By Tanya Richards on Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Read Dwelling Simple Ways to Nourish Your Home Body and Soul edition by Melissa Michaels Religion Spirituality eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 20486 KB
  • Print Length 226 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN 0736963197
  • Publisher Harvest House Publishers (April 2, 2019)
  • Publication Date April 2, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Dwelling Simple Ways to Nourish Your Home Body and Soul edition by Melissa Michaels Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews

  • I love Melissa Michaels books about home. Creating spaces we use and love is a favorite of mine and her books combine my love of books + my love of creating home.

    I love the titles of the chapters in Dwelling.

    It has ten chapters and each chapter focuses on an attribute or action.

    The First Chapter is…… invitation.
    Second is……..well-being.
    Third is……….sanctuary.
    Fourth is……..loveliness.
    Fifth is………..savoring.
    Sixth is………streamlining.
    Seventh is………foraging.
    Eighth is………nourishing.
    Ninth is………gathering.
    Tenth is………….thriving.

    I always love Melissa’s tips and practical ideas for adding special moments and touches to our days and our homes.

    Dwelling is a book about not only our homes, but our bodies that we dwell in and live in everyday. Melissa wisely points us toward creating a home sanctuary we can thrive in, dwell in, feel well in. She shows us ways to simplify and add order and peace to our rhythm of life.

    Sitting down and turning the pages of this book refreshes me!

    I received a copy to review and all opinions are 100% my own.
  • Melissa’s new book is an invitation for us to be more intentional with ourselves. This book is so easy to pick up and read as it provides wonderful insights into how to nourish and maintain our body and home. The author gives us a glimpse into her own journey and shows incredible vulnerability with her own challenges as lessons for us to relate with. Dwelling is like your long lost friend. A friend that you can revisit and derive new meaning over time based on your own journey and growth. Sometimes you just need a friend to remind you what is most important in life - you’re home and body.

    Melissa reminds us that our body and home are inexorably linked and that our very being is not sustainable when one or the other is not being nourished. The book provides simple guidelines and tools to help identify your needs. Like many things, our mind, body, home, and soul requires intentionality, maintenance, grace, and an understanding that our home grows with us as we develop.

    It is a beautiful reminder that well-being is a lifelong pursuit. Melissa shares her own stories around faith, family, struggles, and her own discoveries as she calls for us to not be perfect but make progress towards a more holistic life.

    This is the right book to pick up in any part of our lives as we examine and continue to re-examine who we are and the people that we invite into our sacred spaces - home. )
  • I think the alternate title for this book should be Living Lovely because the message Melissa conveys is gentle, encouraging, and delightful. Finding your "art" when it comes to your home and self is a process in which you should enjoy and edit until you find what makes you feel well where you dwell. A delightful addition to my Melissa Michaels collection on my bookshelf, this will make perfect gifts for others in my life. I am already looking forward to the next one!
  • This author gets me. She’s very real and thorough in this book. It has helped me tremendously, at home and for my own well-being. I highly recommend this book, especially those that suffer with anxiety or depression.
  • Love the message in this book - taking the time to learn myself, make my home a sanctuary, and take care of myself body and soul! Melissa Michaels words are an inspiration and encouragement again.
  • I love this book - so readable and truly helpful in growing our home space into what makes for a healing place to be every day.
  • This little book is all about creating a home that makes us feel like we have our own little heaven on earth. A sanctuary where we feel our best and may never want to leave. It’s about making a home that our friends and family will want to visit and feel inspired to live their best life. It really is all about living our best life.
  • Love this book! Great inspiration!!